
On December 2, the American Chamber of Commerce in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized an event and panel discussion entitled "Securing BiH's Digital Ecosystem: The Importance of Using Trusted Vendors" in order to gather representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina businesses, leaders of government institutions and IT experts at one place to raise awareness of the importance of preserving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of digital data and systems.

Emily de La Bruyère, one of the world's leading analysts in the field of economic and security implications of the geopolitical strategy of the P.R.C. she talked about the risks of doing business with unreliable suppliers.

"Information and communication technology is the backbone of national sovereignty and economic development. This means that it is imperative to ensure that the digital foundation is reliable and secure. The alternative is to overcome long-term costs, economically in terms of total cost of ownership, informationally in terms of access and control, and from security perspectives," said de La Bruyère.

Steven Toteda, Vice President and Managing Director of Aviat Networks EMEA, pointed out that communication with reliable suppliers is more important than ever and that the only constant in the market is change.

The panelists of the mentioned panel discussion come in front of American companies, and they discussed the importance of implementing a secure digital infrastructure in order to strengthen the protection of information systems. The panelists are:

The panelists concluded the discussion with a consensus that the processes of increasing awareness of reliable suppliers have long been recognized. Companies can now position themselves highly as potential suppliers thanks to transparent business and thus identify with the client, and the priority should be and remain digital security.