
Yesterday, the AmCham BiH Intellectual Property Rights Committee held a useful and interesting lecture on the concept, meaning and registration of a trademark, and its administrative, legal and judicial protection.

During the two-hour webinar for members and the public, experts in this field spoke about this significant topic:

- Anisa Tomic, Attorney at law and partner, MARIĆ & Co Law Firm Ltd.,

- Mirna Milanovic-Lalic, Attorney at law,,

- Zoran Strsoglavec, Brand Protection Director at Nike, and

- Tarik Prolaz, Attorney at law in cooperation with PETOSEVIC and President of the Intellectual Property Committee AmCham BiH.

We would like to thank the panelists for their work and excellent energy, and all the participants who were with us. We believe that this webinar brought them new insights and really put the emphasis on the importance of trademark protection as a basic element of the identity of every brand.